Reference Books for IIT-JAM CHEMISRY-CY | |
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY | Atomic and Molecular Structure: Physical Chemistry–Peter W. Atkins Theory of Gases: Physical Chemistry–Peter W. Atkins Chemical Thermodynamics : Physical Chemistry–Thomas Engel & Phillip Reid Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Principals of Chemical Equilibrium & Phase Rule –K.G. Denbigh Electrochemistry: An Introduction to Electrochemistry–Samuel Glasstone Chemical Kinetics: Chemical Kinetics – Keith J. Laidler Solid State: Solid State–Peter W. Atkins Adsorption: Introduction to Surface Chemistry & Catalysis – Gabor A. Somorjai Basic Mathematical Concept: Differential Equation & Matrices–Shanti Narayan |
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY | Periodic Table: Concise Inorganic Chemistry – J. D. Lee Chemical Bonding and Shapes of compounds: Inorganic Chemistry: Meissler & Tarr Main Group Elements (s and p blocks): Concise Inorganic Chemistry – J. D. Lee Transition Metal (d block): Concise Inorganic Chemistry – James E. Huheey Analytical Chemistry: Quantitative Inorganic Analysis – A. I. Vogel Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry – James E. Huheey Instrumental Method of Analysis: Instrumental method – Skoog, Holler & Crouch |
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry: Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism: P.S. Kalsi Organic reaction Mechanism and synthetic applications Organic Chemistry: Clayden, Greeves, Warner and Wothers Organic Chemistry: Carey & Sundberg Natural Products Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-II) – I. L. Finar Heterocyclic Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-I) – I. L. Finar Qualitative organic Analysis: Introduction to Spectroscopy – Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, Vyvyan |
Reference Books for IIT-JAM Physics-PH | |
Mathematical Methods | 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig 2. Mathematical Physics: H.K. Dass 3. Mathematical Methods In The Physical Sciences: Mary L Boas 4. Mathematical Methods for Physics & Engineering: Riley, Hobson & Bence 5. Vector Analysis: Schaum’s Series: Murray R Spiegel |
Mechanics & General Properties of Matter | 1. An Introduction to Mechanics: Kleppner and Kolenkow |
Oscillations, Wave and Optics | 1. Waves and Oscillations: N.K. Bajaj |
Electricity and Magnetism | 1. Introduction to Electrodynamics: David J. Griffiths |
Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics | 1. Funda-mentals of Statistical Mechanics & Thermal Physics: F. Reif |
Modern Physics | 1. Quantum Physics: H.C. Verma |
Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics | 1. Solid State Physics: S.O. Pillai |
Reference books for IIT JAM Mathematics-MA |
1. Integral Calculus: F. Ayres (Schaum’s), Gorakh Prasad |