What is the use of qualifying GATE?
Qualifying in GATE is a mandatory requirement for seeking admission and/or financial assistance to: (i) Master’s programs and direct Doctoral programs in Engineering/Technology/Architecture and (ii) Doctoral programs in relevant branches of Science, in the institutions supported by the MHRD and other Government agencies. Even in some colleges and institutions, which admit students without MHRD scholarship/assistantship, the GATE qualification is mandatory. Further, many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have been using the GATE score in their recruitment process.
If GATE exam is qualified, Can it help in Employment?
Yes, in the past, several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have used GATE scores to shortlist the candidates for employment. A few such organizations are: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and Power Grid Corporation of India.
Direct recruitment to Group A level posts in Central government, i.e., Senior Field Officer (Tele), Senior Research Officer (Crypto) and Senior Research Officer (S&T) in Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, is now being carried out on the basis of GATE score. The details of the scheme of recruitment are normally published in National Newspapers/Employment News by the concerned authority.
Can I appear in any of the GATE papers?
The candidate is expected to appear in a paper appropriate to the discipline of his/her qualifying degree. The candidate can also choose any other papers of GATE, however, it is better to choose a paper in line with the eligibility criteria of the institutions/organizations in which he/she wishes to seek admission/job.
Can I use one e-mail address to fill multiple application forms?
NO. One e-mail address can be used to submit only ONE application form. Candidates are discouraged to fill multiple application forms using different e-mail addresses.
Why should I choose three examination cities?
A candidate will most likely be allotted a centre in the examination city of his/her first choice. Only in cases, where there are too many candidates opting for a certain city as their first choice, the other two choices become relevant. A candidate is required to fill his/her choices of cities to appear in the examination, but should remember that because of operational constraints, the GATE committee reserves the right to add a new city or remove an existing one, and allot a city that may not be any of the choices of a candidate.
For candidates opting international centres, there will be only one choice (by default).
What do I do, if the power/internet connection failed during the submission of application process?
Please login to the GOAPS website again and continue the application process. Only SC/ST/PwD candidates have been asked to upload the category certificates.
Do OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates need to upload the category certificate?
NO. Category certificate is required only for Indian nationals (appearing from exam centres within India), who wishes to avail a concession in application fee. As far as the GATE examination is concerned, only SC/ST/PwD candidates and all women candidates are eligible for application fee concession.
How do I make the fee payment for GATE examination?
There is a link to the payment gateway from the application portal. The candidate can opt for any of the payment options listed over there. The additional charges such as service charges, processing fees or bank charges, have to be borne by the candidate.
What is the fee for candidates with foreign nationality?
For the candidates with Foreign nationality, who wish to appear for GATE examination, the application fee is as follows:
Examination Centres |
Fee |
India |
Rs. 1500/- |
Addis Ababa, Colombo, Dhaka and Kathmandu |
US$ 50 |
Dubai and Singapore |
US$ 100 |
What is the fee for candidates with Indian nationality appearing at International centres?
For the candidates with Indian nationality, who wish to appear for GATE examination, the application fee (irrespective of their category and gender) is as follows:
Examination Centres |
Fee |
Addis Ababa, Colombo, Dhaka and Kathmandu |
US$ 50 |
Dubai and Singapore |
US$ 100 |
What do I do, if power/Internet connection failed during online payment?
When you can get back online, login back to GOAPS website and check the status of the payment. If the payment was received by GATE, you can continue the process of printing the application form. If the payment was not received by GATE, you can also check the status of transaction from your bank account. In case, the fee amount has been debited (deducted) from your bank account, but GOAPS does not acknowledge any fee payment, then the money will be credited back to your account. However, this may take a week or more, after the closure of the application process. In such a situation, you may initiate a fresh payment on GOAPS without waiting for the money to be credited back to your account. This will ensure that your application submission will be on time (within the deadline).
My net banking account has been debited more than once. How do I get the money back?
Any unaccounted or excess money that was received on behalf of GATE from this account, will automatically be returned (credited) to the same bank account. However, this may take a week or more, after the closure of the application process.
My bank account has been debited (money taken out), but GOAPS website says that the payment has not been received. What do I do?
Please login back to GOAPS after some time and check the status of the payment. Even then, if GOAPS does not acknowledge any fee payment, the money will be credited back to your account. However, this may take a week or more, after the closure of the application process. In such a situation, you may initiate a fresh payment on GOAPS without waiting for the money to be credited back to your account. This will ensure that your application submission will be on time (within the deadline). Finally, you will be charged only once. Any excess/unaccounted debits will be returned to you.
Do I have to send the print-out of the application form?
NO. The print-out of the application form is not required to be sent to the Organizing Institute or any other GATE zonal offices.
When and how will I know the status of my application?
You can check the status of your application by logging into GOAPS website.
After completing the ONLINE application process and generating a PDF file, will I be able to change my application data?
NO. After completing all the steps upto PDF application form generation in the ONLINE application process, you can only download the application form and CANNOT modify the data. Hence, you need to be very careful while entering the data.
I have missed to take a print-out of my ONLINE application at the end of my application process. How will I get access to it?
You can login using GOAPS Enrollment ID and password and take a print-out for your own reference. The print-out must not be sent to GATE Organizing Institute.
If I have not uploaded photograph as per the specifications mentioned, will my application be rejected?
YES, the application will be rejected.
Which Identity Document (ID) will be accepted in the application form?
For Indian candidates, the following identification documents/cards will be accepted: Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-UID, College ID, Employee ID and Driving License. For International candidates, ONLY valid Passport/Government issued ID/College ID/Employee ID will be accepted as the recognized identification.
If I am in the final year of my qualifying degree program, what certificate do I upload?
If a candidate is in the final year of the qualifying degree program, a Certificate from the Head of the Department/Institute (in the format given in Appendix A), must be uploaded.
If I have completed the degree in 2017, but my institute has still not provided me with the degree certificate/provisional certificate, which document should I upload as eligibility certificate?
In case, the degree certificate/provisional certificate has not been issued at the time of application, final year marksheet (of any one semester) must be uploaded as eligibility document.
I have backlogs/arrears during the qualifying degree program, due to which I did not complete the program. I am currently not studying in the college and therefore cannot get duly signed Certificate from the Head of the Department/Institute. Which document should I upload while filling the application form?
If you cannot get a duly signed Certificate from the Head of the Department/Institute, you should submit final year marksheet (of any one semester), even if there are backlogs/arrears in some subjects.
Is the downloaded marksheet (from internet) acceptable as an eligibility document?
Yes, internet downloaded final year marksheet (of any one semester), which is digitally signed or duly signed with seal by competent authority (Registrar, Controller of Examination etc.) ONLY, is acceptable.
When will I receive my Admit Card?
Admit Card can ONLY be downloaded from the GOAPS website from 5th January . Admit Cards will NOT be sent by post or as e-mail attachment.
Is the Admit Card alone sufficient to gain entry to the examination centre?
NO. Candidates must bring a print-out of the downloaded Admit Card to the Examination for the verification along with the original and valid photo Identity Document (NO photocopy/scanned copy/NOT an expired document), which was specified during the filling up of the online application. For Indian candidates, only following identification cards will be accepted: Passport, PAN card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-UID, College ID, Employee ID and Driving License. For International candidates, ONLY a valid Passport/Government issued ID/College ID/Employee ID will be accepted as the recognized identification. The photograph on the Admit Card and that in the valid photo identity document should match with the appearance of the candidate on the day of examination.
Can I bring soft copy of the Admit Card (in mobile phone/tablet/laptop) to gain entry to the examination centre?
NO. Hard copy (printed in color) of the Admit Card must be brought to the examination centre along with at least one original (not photocopied/scanned copy) and valid (not expired) Identity Document (ID), which was specified during the filling up of the online application.
For how many GATE papers can I apply?
A candidate can apply for only ONE of the 23 papers listed in the GATE INFORMATION BROCHURE or GATE website. The candidate is expected to appear in a paper appropriate to the discipline of his/her qualifying degree. The candidate is, however, free to choose any other paper according to his/her admission plan, keeping in mind the eligibility criteria of the institutions in which he/she wishes to seek admission.
After submission of application, am I permitted to change my GATE Examination Paper?
After submission of application, am I permitted to change my GATE Examination City?
YES. ONLY after the last date for application submission, a request for the change of examination city will be entertained against payment. A specific time period for the same will be notified in the GATE website.
Will I be provided with any white paper for rough work and calculations during the examination?
A scribble pad will be provided to the candidate that can be used to do the rough work. The candidate has to return the scribble pad after the examination.
Am I allowed to leave the examination hall during the examination?
NO. Candidates will NOT be allowed to leave the examination hall for any reason during the examination. Candidates are allowed to leave the examination hall only after the scheduled end of examination.
What items are not permitted to be brought with me inside the examination venue?
Only Admit Card, Identification Card and a pen is permitted to be taken inside the examination hall. Mobile phones, physical calculators, wristwatches, or any other electronic items are NOT permitted inside the examination hall. If a candidate brings any of these items, they have to be kept outside the examination hall at the candidate’s own risk. If the candidate is found to be in possession of these items (even if not using them), he/she will be disqualified and the result will not be declared for the candidate.
Can I use a physical calculator during the examination?
NO. During the online GATE examination, all candidates will be provided with a virtual scientific calculator which has to be used to answer the questions. Mobile phones, physical calculators, wristwatches, or any other electronic items are NOT permitted inside the examination hall.
Will there be any arrangement at the examination centre for the safe keeping of my personal items such as my mobile phone?
NO. Such arrangements will not be made at the examination centre. If a candidate brings personal belongings including mobile phones, they have to be kept outside the examination hall at the candidate’s own risk. The GATE officials are not responsible for safe keeping of your personal items.
What happens if a physical calculator (even on an electronic watch) or a mobile phone (even in switched off mode) is found in my possession in the examination hall?
Such cases will naturally constitute violation of GATE code of conduct (as given in Appendix D) and will lead to disqualification of the candidature.
What are the details of the guidelines that will be followed about PwD candidates writing GATE examination?
GATE will follow the guidelines as mentioned in the government regulations. Please refer to:
1) http://www.ccdisabilities.nic.in/content/en/docs/omguide.pdf and
2) http://www.ccdisabilities.nic.in/content/en/docs/CCDLetters.pdf
Will the facility of scribe and/or compensatory (extra) time be given to all PwD candidates?
Please refer to http://www.ccdisabilities.nic.in/content/en/docs/CCDLetters.pdf (in particular to the fifth page of the document) for the clarification issued by CCPD on 18.03.2013. “The facility of scribe is meant for only those PwD candidates who have physical limitation to write including that of speed. The scribe will be provided by the GATE authorities. The compensatory (extra) time would be applicable only to such candidates.”
Will there be a “magnified question paper” for visually challenged PwD candidates?
YES. Once you reach the examination hall, please contact the GATE Institute Representative through the invigilator in your examination hall and he/she will do the needful.
Will the facility of scribe and/or compensatory (extra) time be given to dyslexic candidates?
Yes, dyslexic candidates can avail the services of scribe, provided such candidates submit a proper dyslexic certificate issued by the competent authorities. The scribe will be provided by the GATE authorities. The compensatory (extra) time would be applicable only to such dyslexic candidates availing the scribe facility.
Why Normalization is applied to prepare final result?
In GATE, examination for some papers may be conducted in multi-sessions. Hence, for these papers, a suitable normalization is applied to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers across different sessions. The normalization is done based on the fundamental assumption that “in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions”. This assumption is justified since the number of candidates appearing in multi-session papers in GATE is large and the procedure for allocation of session to candidates is random. Further, it is also ensured that for the same multi-session paper, the number of candidates allotted in each session is of the same order of magnitude.
Which formula is used for calculating the normalized marks for the multi-session papers?
How GATE Score is calculated for All Papers?
For all papers for which there is only one session, actual marks obtained by the candidates will be used for calculating the GATE Score. For papers in multi-sessions, normalized marks will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate and the GATE Score will be calculated based on the normalized marks.
The GATE score will be computed using the formula given below.
In the above formulae
M: marks obtained by the candidate (actual marks for single session papers and normalized marks for multi-session papers),
Mq: is the qualifying marks for general category candidate in the paper,
¯M_t: is the mean of marks of top 0.1% or top 10 (whichever is larger) of the candidates who appeared in the paper (in case of multi-session papers including all sessions),
S_q 350, is the score assigned to Mq,
S_t: 900, is the score assigned to ¯M_t
In the GATE the qualifying marks (Mq) for general category student in each subject will be 25 marks (out of 100) or μ + σ, whichever is larger. Here μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation of marks of all the candidates who appeared in the paper.
What are the relevant websites for IITs and IISc?
Some specific links are listed below:
IISc Bangalore |
IIT Bombay |
IIT Delhi |
IIT Guwahati |
IIT Kanpur |
IIT Kharagpur |
IIT Madras |
IIT Roorkee |
IIT Bhubaneswar |
IIT Gandhi Nagar |
IIT Hyderabad |
IIT Indore |